Good Morning, This came at the right time for me, thank you Pastor Matt for sharing it with me.
Have you ever given up on an idea, dream, relationship sooner than you knew you were suppose to all because the climb was more exhausting than the exhilaration of the success that waited you at the top of your mountain? I’ve known many people that prior to giving birth to a dream, gave up on the delivery table of opportunity by exiting a marriage, leaving a company pre-maturely, changed churches because of a disagreement, gave up on their kids, etc…all because dreams are easy to dwell on until the reality of the work required to give birth to those dreams come knocking. Nine books into the New Testament, Paul bellows out a reminder that would serve us all well in the labor room of life. “So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit.” [Galatians 6:9 Message]
Almost like the moment of conception, dreams are single-celled organisms that so often don't make it to full-term. Most dreams miscarriage because we give up on them while they are still in the womb of the imagination. But when a God-ordained dream becomes reality, it's like the birth of a baby. Joy unspeakable!
Today, determine that you aren’t going to miscarry another dream that will bring about success in your life with God, your family, your kids, and your fellow man. Quitting has NEVER achieved a single, solitary bit of good in this world and those that make a difference on behalf of the difference maker Himself[Christ], are those that refuse to grow weary and allow the sweat required in the birthing process to overshadow the joy involved in hearing your dream utter it’s first sound. You have greatness within you and I believe with my entire heart you will make a difference because you have the DNA of the greatest leader, greatest mind, greatest heart, and greatest artist to ever walk this people planet…Christ Himself!!
Dear Heavenly Father, I’ll be the first to admit I’ve given up too early many times in my life, but today that all changes. Show me how to be more faithful to the dreams that you have called me to live out and to be led by the pages of scripture and not the enticing suggestions of my emotions. Birth within me the desire needed to run the race and outlast every temptation to quit. I pray all of this in Jesus’ Name, Amen…
Remember: The difference between dreamers and doers are those that get up from the nap.
Never Giving Up or In,
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