I made it through day one slowly. Working up to 3 drops of MMS every two hours. Every hour was so time consuming, it was like I was sitting and watching the clock. I would rather take it a little slower than to be a slave to the clock. I had to stop at the 3 drops as I started to get the diarrhea part. YEAH!!! but in reality it is a good thing, it means that my body is flushing out the toxins that this is killing off. I will stay at 3 drops today and try to increase it tomorrow again.
What have I noticed? well, in the afternoon yesterday as I was taking the MMS, I got a very warm almost hot feeling that covered my chest area. I don't know what this means, but it happened 3 different times. I also noticed that last night I got 6 hours of good sleep. My legs didn't cramp up and I didn't wake up with an 'attack' like I have every night for the last couple of weeks. For me this is huge.
It made a big difference using the freshly made juice each time, I just keep my juicer set up and throw in an apple and a few grapes to make the juice. No citrus fruit can be used as it neutralizes the effects of the MMS. With the juice added it doesn't taste too bad, actually at this point you really can't taste the MMS unless for some reason you have it on the edge of the glass, which I did and I have to say that that taste is like the worst think I have put in my mouth. knowing it won't hurt me I just chugged the juice quickly.
Let see what happens today, will be staying at 3 drops all day.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I have started to try a natural way to treat/heal myself. I have done alot of research on this and it can't hurt. This MMS is not claimed to be a cure all, but had been medically proven to cure many diseases including all kinds of cancers, HIV/AIDS, any virus, bacteria, mold and yeast. Even with all the research I am still a little leary about the claims of curing cancers and Aids. I am not saying that it can't, but don't want to sit here and tell you that it will.
For me, I am willing to give this a try to see what happens, what is the worse that can happen, it may not work? I got my first shipment yesterday and was excited about trying it. As the directions stated, I mixed everything together and was read to get started. The biggest kicker with this is that you have to mix it with juice that does not have vitiamn C added as that kills the effectivness of it. I didn't have anything yesterday except for the crystal lite drink mix I had to put in water bottles. So I went ahead and tried it, I didn't get any big WHAM's except for the taste. You work yourself up by adding one drop at a time each hour until you start to feel nauses. I know that doesn't sound like fun, but that means that the MMS is killing off toxins in the body and it is needing to get rid of them. When this happens you are to step back and reduce by one drop and then try it again the next day by adding a drop. It sounds like it could be complicated but it really isn't.
Today, I am going to try to make my own apple juice and see if that makes a difference. Call me crazy, but I am trying. I don't know if this will help with anything, but giving it a try will be the only way I will know. I will be keeping a detailed journal of this little journey. My prayer is that it will work for something, if nothing else to stop the scelerderma from spreading anymore, maybe take care of the infection problems, and stop the migraines. Although I would like to see a complete healing, I am keeping my guards up. Tonight I will let you know what happened today.
For me, I am willing to give this a try to see what happens, what is the worse that can happen, it may not work? I got my first shipment yesterday and was excited about trying it. As the directions stated, I mixed everything together and was read to get started. The biggest kicker with this is that you have to mix it with juice that does not have vitiamn C added as that kills the effectivness of it. I didn't have anything yesterday except for the crystal lite drink mix I had to put in water bottles. So I went ahead and tried it, I didn't get any big WHAM's except for the taste. You work yourself up by adding one drop at a time each hour until you start to feel nauses. I know that doesn't sound like fun, but that means that the MMS is killing off toxins in the body and it is needing to get rid of them. When this happens you are to step back and reduce by one drop and then try it again the next day by adding a drop. It sounds like it could be complicated but it really isn't.
Today, I am going to try to make my own apple juice and see if that makes a difference. Call me crazy, but I am trying. I don't know if this will help with anything, but giving it a try will be the only way I will know. I will be keeping a detailed journal of this little journey. My prayer is that it will work for something, if nothing else to stop the scelerderma from spreading anymore, maybe take care of the infection problems, and stop the migraines. Although I would like to see a complete healing, I am keeping my guards up. Tonight I will let you know what happened today.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Family photos
Aidan and Hunter
of my eye.
beautiful daughters.
I am so blessed to have such great kids. All who have gone down a path of their choice. Chris and Jo married this year on June 12th. Hunter was born Aug 19th 2010, 4 months old in these photos. Aidan is 4 years old already. Goodness they grow up so fast.
Ashley, still living in Chicago has been accepted into the Special Education Course of IL. only 20 people every two years are allowed into the program. She is doing great and really enjoys what she is doing.
Rita has graduated from cosmetology school and passed her board exams. At this time she is working at Par Excelance which is a higher end salon. She is amazing at doing hair.
I am still going on with life as best as I can, even through my days are filled with struggles and pains. I have had to start seeing the cardiologist because my heart is starting to be effected by this disease (or so the doctor thinks). We have done a scope of the heart (angioplasty) and there is not much blockage to warrant the pain and discomfort that I have. The doctor was afraid that the disease had hit the heart (since it is a muscle). With this, we don't know for sure where things are going to go. Whatever happens, I have the Lord in my life and will be held up either way I go. I know that if time is cut short, those left behind may feel the sadness of a loss. But I will see them again one day, and what a day that will be.
Christ is my savior, what about you? do you have your name in the Lambs book of life?
Monday, December 13, 2010
God's Dominoes
I love watching my grandson play with the dominoes, as he stacks them up into towers and then lines them up to make a train. Then I remember a story that I saw on the television about a school that was raising money for the earthquake relief effort in Haiti. As part of the fundraiser, the children in the school lined up dominoes all throughout a huge room. Once they were set, someone touched the first domino. As the first one fell, it hit the second, the second hit the third, and so on. I love to watch them fall to see what it looks like.
Through the act of touching just one domino, a chain reaction happened and the result of this chain reaction was to reveal an incredibly beautiful design that was not readily seen until each domino had touched another. They called the fundraising event “a chain of love.”
I thought the way the falling dominoes created a design was pretty cool. I’m always impressed with someone who has the vision to be able to see an end result, take a pile of raw materials, and turn them into a work of art. Just at that moment, I felt like I was nudged on the shoulder by God. I had a feeling He was trying to tell me something.
“We are His dominoes…”
I started to think about these words and after a few minutes I suddenly realized what they meant: God had created a “chain of love” as well. God’s “chain of love” is a love that flows from Him to us and from us to each other. And, just like those dominoes that the students used to create their masterpiece, we are God’s dominoes that, once we are able to touch each other with God’s love, will reveal a beautiful masterpiece that God has designed. So now I needed an answer: as one of God’s “dominoes” what is expected of me?
In the Bible, Matthew tells us about the time when an expert of the law questioned Jesus about God’s commandments. This expert asked Jesus: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:36-40)
In other words, there are two things Jesus asked of us: 1. Love God. 2. Love each other
It may sound funny but even though these are great words, unless I put these words into action, they are nothing more than words. How do I do this? How do I learn to put these words into action? How do I learn to love the way Jesus wants me to love?
I need to love as God loves. It will be through this Godly love that I could touch others and help continue God’s “chain of love”. But before I can love like Him, I need to understand His love. I need to learn how I could emulate God’s love and touch others with the same love that God has shown and touched me with. Grab your Bible, now lets see what it says about God’s love for us.
God’s love is unconditional: To love unconditionally is to love without attaching any strings to that love: to love someone for who and what they are now and to love them without expecting anything in return. God’s love is given to us without any conditions. He doesn’t say I will love you if you do not sin or I will love you when you praise me more. If fact, His love is just the opposite. His love is given to us even though we might be people that might not be deserving of His love.
Romans 5:8 tells us: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
God knew we were sinners. He didn’t tell us that He would send His Son to us if we stopped sinning. Rather, He said to us I will send my Son to you BECAUSE we were sinners. He didn’t place any conditions on sending His Son to save us. Even after He did send His Son to save us, He didn’t EXPECT us to not be sinners; rather, He knew we would still be sinners. But for those who want to become closer to Him, He sent His Son to us as a way to Him. No conditions – just love.
God’s love is eternal: Psalm 136:1 tells us: “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.”
Can you think of anyone that you have loved or might love forever? Maybe the closest we get would be our children. At times, we might get very mad at them and not like what they do but we still love them. We are willing to forgive them and take them back if they do something wrong. Isn’t it the same with God? We are His children and He loves us with the love of a parent for their child.
But, even though we might love our children forever, God’s love still transcends this. He loved us before we were even born. He knew who we were and He knew what we were to become long before our parents ever thought about us. And He will love us long after we are gone from this physical world. God’s love is forever – it never ends.
God’s love is forgiving: How many times have we just given up on someone because of something they have done or just who they are? How many times has someone made you mad and you have written them off and never wanted anything to do with them again? No matter who we are or what we have done, God loves us so much that He will always be waiting for us to come back to Him.
In Luke 15, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep in which he asks what would someone do if they had 100 sheep but lost one? He answers that the shepherd would leave the 99 to find the lost one, and once the lost one is found he joyfully brings it home and celebrates the return of the one sheep with his friends.
Jesus further says, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15:7)
If we are lost, God will come looking for us. If it might seem that we are taking too long getting back to Him, He will wait for us. If we feel that we might have separated ourselves from Him because of our own actions, He will forgive us: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:19) We need to learn to be able to forgive as God does. If God can forgive, why can’t we?
God’s love is immeasurable: God has so much love for us that there is no way to measure it. He has made the ultimate sacrifice for us:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…” (John 3:16)
No one is asking us to sacrifice our children for each other, but imagine if we could love each other so much that we would be willing to give up anything we had for each other?
We are told we are created in God’s image. If this is true, shouldn’t I be able to love like God? Shouldn’t my love be unconditional, eternal, forgiving, and immeasurable? I don’t know because God’s love is also perfect and I am not perfect. But I can try.
What if we all tried to emulate God’s love in these ways? It could lead to God’s “chain of love” really happening here and now. Our “chain of love” begins with God and His love for us. How great is His love for us? He reached out and sent His Son to us. Jesus has shown us that there is a “chain of love” which flows from God, through Jesus, to each of us, and then from us to our fellow man.
Sometimes our continuing His “chain of love” has been successful, other times not. And when it was not, the reason for it not being successful lies directly with us. Man has rebelled and turned from God more times than we could count; yet, God continually reaches out to us with His love.
The schoolchildren’s dominoes were set up so perfectly that they couldn’t do anything but fall into each other and create the beautiful picture from their chain reaction; however, what would have happened to the schoolchildren’s design if one domino fell out of place? That domino would have not touched another and the whole chain reaction would have stopped.
God has set us up in a way that guarantees the outcome of our touching each other will create a beautiful design: God’s love doesn’t touch just one person like that first domino did - God’s love reaches out to and touches everyone. Any one of us has the ability to set off and perpetuate God’s chain reaction. We need to start and keep God’s “chain of love” moving. Everyday we need to practice loving like God loves. We need to learn to love as big as God loves.
Unlike the dominoes set up by the schoolchildren where, until all of the dominoes fell, the design that was revealed to everyone was only known to the person who created the design, we don’t need to wait until the last domino falls to see the result of God’s “chain of love”: Jesus has already revealed to us the potential beauty of His love being lived out through us here on earth.
So, rather than us being like the dominoes in the schoolchildren’s fundraiser where one domino falls into one other, what if we tried to reach out and touch more than one person? And, those people, in turn, reached out and touched several other people? God has lined us up so that an action that any one of us takes could not only affect one person and then another, but multiple people at one time.
If we could learn to truly follow Jesus’ command and try to love each other with the same love that God has shown us, not only would we have a “chain of love”, we might create an “explosion of love.”
Friday, November 12, 2010
Never give up
Good Morning, This came at the right time for me, thank you Pastor Matt for sharing it with me.
Have you ever given up on an idea, dream, relationship sooner than you knew you were suppose to all because the climb was more exhausting than the exhilaration of the success that waited you at the top of your mountain? I’ve known many people that prior to giving birth to a dream, gave up on the delivery table of opportunity by exiting a marriage, leaving a company pre-maturely, changed churches because of a disagreement, gave up on their kids, etc…all because dreams are easy to dwell on until the reality of the work required to give birth to those dreams come knocking. Nine books into the New Testament, Paul bellows out a reminder that would serve us all well in the labor room of life. “So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit.” [Galatians 6:9 Message]
Almost like the moment of conception, dreams are single-celled organisms that so often don't make it to full-term. Most dreams miscarriage because we give up on them while they are still in the womb of the imagination. But when a God-ordained dream becomes reality, it's like the birth of a baby. Joy unspeakable!
Today, determine that you aren’t going to miscarry another dream that will bring about success in your life with God, your family, your kids, and your fellow man. Quitting has NEVER achieved a single, solitary bit of good in this world and those that make a difference on behalf of the difference maker Himself[Christ], are those that refuse to grow weary and allow the sweat required in the birthing process to overshadow the joy involved in hearing your dream utter it’s first sound. You have greatness within you and I believe with my entire heart you will make a difference because you have the DNA of the greatest leader, greatest mind, greatest heart, and greatest artist to ever walk this people planet…Christ Himself!!
Dear Heavenly Father, I’ll be the first to admit I’ve given up too early many times in my life, but today that all changes. Show me how to be more faithful to the dreams that you have called me to live out and to be led by the pages of scripture and not the enticing suggestions of my emotions. Birth within me the desire needed to run the race and outlast every temptation to quit. I pray all of this in Jesus’ Name, Amen…
Remember: The difference between dreamers and doers are those that get up from the nap.
Never Giving Up or In,
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Too much to handle
Today is another day to deal with as a normal day. My hip still didn’t take effect with the injection. For the last couple of days I have been dealing with chest pains, shortness of breath, sore left arm, and a backside that is tender and very bruised. I really do feel like I have been hit by a truck (a couple of times). Good thing I have the protection of the Lord when I wake up each day. What would it be like without him?
Dad came through his surgery today pretty good. All considering. I don’t think it will hit him for a day or so that he will be so dependent on others for a while. Thank you for your prayers, please continue them as it is going to be a very long process. They will be transferring him to Mid America next week to start his rehab. I’ll be there as much as I can for him. He called me tonight and seemed to be doing ok; I know the pain meds were helping him this time. Paula said that his attitude and spirits were very good before and after the surgery, which is a blessing.
I talked to mom today and they found a lump in grandmas breast. She had a mastectomy 2 years ago, and will be having the other one removed soon. We have to wait on the doctors and tests. Grandma will be turning 90 this December and is still full of spunk. She isn’t too worried about it and just ready to get the surgery done and over with. Again, please keep her lifted in prayer.
On a good note, I have applied for a service dog. They said I might get one as soon as next February. They are working with dogs now and it may be ready in Feb, or the latest of June. The inmates at the Eldorado correctional facility as well as private homes train these dogs. Megan said that they use the inmates more than anything. It is great programs for them and the inmates have strict qualifications in order to work with the dogs. There is a cost involved with this program, and I am praying that one of the several grants that they told me about will be able to help out. I am once again laying it in the Lords hands for the funds to come in. Someone laughed at me today and said that I am asking too much of God. Well, let me tell you that there is NOTHING too big for Him. The $58 we have left for the trip and treatment in China, nope, not too big. The $2500 for a service dog, again, not too big for Him.
I know what the word says about prayers, and I am standing on His word. The Lord has NEVER lead me astray, even though I have wondered off the path he has set out for me several times. He still loves me and wants the best for me. It is up to me to get back on the right path. Psalms 23: reminds me that as I walk through the valleys…. Did you get that…? I’m going through the valley, not hanging out there. So all of this to shall pass in time.
One of my little CB friends is have major surgery tomorrow, they are replacing his skull. You heard it right, they will be giving Matthew a new cranium that was totally destroyed in the accident in August. He is becoming aware of some of his surroundings, I wonder if it understands that his momma didn’t make it through the accident, or understands anything that is going on with him. I know he is feeling trapped in a body that will not respond. I can’t imagine what he must be thinking or feeling. Please keep this extremely brave little one in your prayers as he continues to be so brave while enduring so much. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/peterandmatthewslattery.
Things have really been emotionally rough, and I am dealing with many things left out on here. I am trying to get through each day with a positive attitude and try to stay encouraged, but some days are hard and others are harder than those. Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to get through each day as it comes. I couldn’t do it without you, nor would I want to even try. Thank your for wrapping your loving arms around me when I need it and have no one else to turn to at the time.
Lord, I have a few things to talk about though. Just how much more do I have to endure? I can’t keep doing this; it is just getting to be too much for me. I try to stay strong and upbeat, but that is so hard at times. I feel so weak and helpless tonight. What do I need to do to make it all stop and go away? Lord, your word says that you will not give me more than I can handle. OK, I AM THERE!!! I hope you are listening to me tonight Lord; I just can’t take anymore! I am at my breaking point. I am so tired of the pain, the inability to move, the loneliness, the struggles, a hurting heart, and the feelings of rejection. I just want to feel normal, whatever that is. Is it too much to want to be able to move around freely? To be without pain? To be able to breath without difficulty? To feel wanted, needed, or appreciated? Is it too much to ask that all these dreams I have every night about death to go away and be replaced with visions of sugarplums or something like that? Is it too much to ask that I wake up in the morning and feel refreshed and rested? Is it too much to want to just sleep comfortably and for more than an hour at a time?
Lord, is all of this just too much to ask for?
Monday, October 25, 2010
I have had enough for today
A day I don’t want to repeat. I met with the Spine Center. We decided to do an injection of cortisone in the right hip to try to relieve the pain, as well as one in the left shoulder to help that out. As we get back into the ‘surgery’ room to do the injections. They couldn’t get me on the table very well, but once finally there it only got worse. Lying on my back is very difficult for me to start with, after laying there for what seemed like forever they started the injection in the hip. When I saw the needle they were going to use, I asked the doctor why something so long, it was like 7 inches long. He stated that he needed to be able to get around the joint to get all the medication in. They started the injection on the front of my hip, then OMGoodness I felt a HUGE stick on the buttocks where the needle went all the way through, and penetrated the bed.
After we got it all done and back in my chair they then proceeded to do the injection in my left shoulder, which went fine. Tonight I am able to move my left arm more PRAISE GOD!!!! But my hip is still very sore. The doctor said that since there was no relief, then the problem was in the spine area (which is what he thought to start with) and may need surgery to repair. I am suppose to go back in 2 weeks to see what we are going to do with things from there. Another MRI, 2 different doctors and more time to be uncomfortable and unable to move are what I have to look forward to in the next 2 weeks. I would just like to have a break.
Forgive me Lord for the things I said to the doctor today, I know it wasn’t very pleasing to your ears, but I am human and was hurting and VERY angry. I will write the doctor a note just to say I’m sorry, but today, I just couldn’t bring myself to tell him
With all of this, and not being able to shift weight and get off my backside, the pressure sore has gotten deeper; we are at 4mm deep now. We have a salve to put on it to try to heal it. Reading about how they are taking care of Margaret’s sore, and seeming to get some results, I am going to try honey. Yes, I said honey. I need to get this healed up NOW!!!!!!! And will be doing whatever I can to do so.
Prayer request: My dad’s surgery to remove his leg is scheduled for this Wednesday, Oct 27th. I won’t be able to travel to be there with him, but will be praying from afar. Pray for Margaret, Matthew, Gabe, and the Cunningham family who just met their beautiful little girl they are adopting and bringing home from China next week.
This is my prayer
Lord, it has been tough lately, however I still continue to thank you for each day given to me. Thank you for my being able to wake up this morning with the ability to see the sunshine, and hear the rustle of the leaves falling from the trees. I am so blessed because you are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and you keep blessing me.
Please forgive me for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask for your forgiveness. Please continue to keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me start each day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Help me make the best of each and every day, to clear my mind so that I can hear from you. Please broaden my mind that I can 'accept' all things, even those I don't understand. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. May I continue to see sin through your eyes and acknowledge it as evil. When I do sin, let me repent and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.
When this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example - to slip away and find a quiet place and pray. It is the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I also know that when I can't find the words to pray, you listen to my heart.
Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong so that I may help those who are weaker than I. Keep me uplifted so that I inturn may have words of encouragement for others to lift up when they need it. I pray for those who are lost and can't find their way, for those who are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know you intimately, that they will come to know you before it is too late for them so to see the awesome God that you are, that your love is unconditional and never-ending. Help me to continue to pray for all of those who do not believe, and that I may never forget the Thank you for sending your Son, so that I can believe.
I know Lord, that You can change not only things but people as well. Father, I pray for my parents and all my sisters, brothers, and children; for each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met. I pray that everyone knows that there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. May we remember to place every battle in your hands while leaving them there and not taking them back because we want to be in control and may we seek your guidance to help us through each of them regardless of how big or small they may seem.
I thank you for the time you give me to spend with my loved ones. May they always know how much and how hard I fight each day so that I can be here with them for as long as I can. And when that time comes, Father, may they always remember that I love them and am so proud to be called their daughter, sister, mother, Mema, and friend.
I come to you tonight with many request Lord, but I know that they are already known to you, as you know my heart. May those who have not come to you, turn and run to you, may their hearts receive your never-ending, everlasting, unconditional love. May their mouths confess willingly and openly to you so that we will live together eternally with you.
Lord, continue to use me to do Your will. In Christ's name I pray,
Please forgive me for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask for your forgiveness. Please continue to keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me start each day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Help me make the best of each and every day, to clear my mind so that I can hear from you. Please broaden my mind that I can 'accept' all things, even those I don't understand. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. May I continue to see sin through your eyes and acknowledge it as evil. When I do sin, let me repent and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.
When this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example - to slip away and find a quiet place and pray. It is the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I also know that when I can't find the words to pray, you listen to my heart.
Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong so that I may help those who are weaker than I. Keep me uplifted so that I inturn may have words of encouragement for others to lift up when they need it. I pray for those who are lost and can't find their way, for those who are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know you intimately, that they will come to know you before it is too late for them so to see the awesome God that you are, that your love is unconditional and never-ending. Help me to continue to pray for all of those who do not believe, and that I may never forget the Thank you for sending your Son, so that I can believe.
I know Lord, that You can change not only things but people as well. Father, I pray for my parents and all my sisters, brothers, and children; for each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met. I pray that everyone knows that there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. May we remember to place every battle in your hands while leaving them there and not taking them back because we want to be in control and may we seek your guidance to help us through each of them regardless of how big or small they may seem.
I thank you for the time you give me to spend with my loved ones. May they always know how much and how hard I fight each day so that I can be here with them for as long as I can. And when that time comes, Father, may they always remember that I love them and am so proud to be called their daughter, sister, mother, Mema, and friend.
I come to you tonight with many request Lord, but I know that they are already known to you, as you know my heart. May those who have not come to you, turn and run to you, may their hearts receive your never-ending, everlasting, unconditional love. May their mouths confess willingly and openly to you so that we will live together eternally with you.
Lord, continue to use me to do Your will. In Christ's name I pray,
Monday, October 04, 2010
OSCI Certification, yeah, I did it!!!!!
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Goodness, it is time for things to settle down now. The fundraiser went well, with about 150 people in attendance enjoying the music and bidding wars, we raised over $6000.
The last few weeks have been filled with a lot of happenings besides the fundraiser. They removed 6 foot of my intestine, because there were 42 ulcers in a 5½-foot span caused by the C-Diff. Then, I took a hard fall last weekend and dislocated 3 ribs under the left shoulder blade, the bruising and inflammation just won’t let me get comfortable to rest, just sitting back in the chair or laying on my back is more than even I can handle. We are working on this daily to get things back to normal, but the pain that comes with it is just almost too much. Please keep in prayer that this will heal quickly. Also, I go for the MRI on the 23rd to see if the C7 vertebra has healed any from the accident in July. The fall this last weekend has irritated it for sure so will have to wait to see what the doctor says about it all. I really have been wearing my seat belt on my chair, but the fall was when I was trying to transfer and the new air mattress on my bed slipped. Another prayer request would be that this pressure sore on my right hip area that is taking its sweet time to heal. Right now I can’t lie on my stomach, back or either side, how do I get comfortable to sleep? Any ideas?
Now I would like to address a few things. Why go to China, if it is not an approved treatment in the United States, it must not be ready or safe. (I have searched high and low for something in the USA and there just isn’t anything) Ok, I know that just because this treatment is not approved in the USA doesn’t mean that it is not safe. I wouldn’t go through all this if I hadn’t researched it to the max. I don’t feel that I am to sit back and just deal with the cards that are dealt, am I? Are we not to seek out help and treatment for whatever illness we are stricken with. There are risks, but so does many treatments here in the USA, what about people with cancer, they have the option of chemotherapy, radiation both of which break the body down before you are able to see the healing part of the process. The medications used for many aliments are researched and tested here in the US as well as other parts of the world. Just because the Retinal stem cell transplant I am going for is not approved in the USA yet, doesn’t mean that it is done illegally, or unsafe. Yes, China is open about their abortion practices, but that doesn’t mean that that is the only place they get the stem cells for research. You can’t use embryonic stem cells for the research when you are having a retinal stem cell transplant. It just isn’t possible. There are more kinds of stem cells to use for research than embryonic.
I know I am going to a place that has practiced the use of embryonic stem cells, how do I feel about that. First let me say that I don’t think what I am doing is immoral or unethical. Just because I am seeking treatment to stop the pain I deal with daily, or to fight for each day just to be able to function on a small level. I am human and I will continue to search for something that works. Will I cross the line and go for embryonic stem cells. NO! Just because there is or has been practice of stem cell research on aborted babies doesn’t mean that I support their actions. It doesn’t mean that I co-done them in anyway. I know that if I didn’t do business with any company that supports abortion, homosexuality, and/or fetal stem cell research, I would be confined to my home. I have done just that this week, I have researched what the companies we deal with on a daily basis support (without our knowledge for the most part). The following are in the top 250 supporting companies nationwide of abortion, homosexuality.
Pepsi Co, Coco-cola Co, Wachovia, Gap, Bank of America, Sears, Ford, Toyota, Wells Fargo, Walgreen’s, UPS, Time Warner, Visa, Starbucks, Reynolds, Progressive, Prudential Financial, Pillsbury, Nike, Microsoft Corp, MasterCard, Macy's, Kimberly Clark, Kaiser Permanente, Johnson & Johnson, JC Penney Co, JP Morgan, Intel Corp, Honeywell International, Hewitt Packard, Dell, Fannie Mae, Sallie Mae, Ebay, Dow Chemical, Continental Airlines, United airlines, Clorox Co, Citi Group, Charles Schwab, Chevron, Carmax, Capital One, Borders, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, AT&T, AllState, American Express Co, Unilever, Whole foods, Walt Disney, Adobe Systems, Target, Home Depot... and this is to name just a few of them.
It is the every day companies we do business with that send our money to support issues that we as Christians don’t believe in or support. Does that make it right or wrong for us to patronize them? So how is that different from me going to China for help? I know my money is going there for treatment, but that still doesn’t mean that I support all their practices. I am striving for a better quality of life here on earth. I don’t know of anyone who is told that they or a loved one have a fatal disease and quits looking for treatment. I’m no different. Does it mean that if I shop at Sears, Macy’s, JC Penney’s or Home Depot that I approve of who they send funds to and support? NO, does it mean that I’m doing something unethical or immoral? NO. I am just someone who is searching for treatment. I know that not everyone will be supportive of my decisions, but before you cast out that stone and look at that judgment ballot, please look inside and think about what you’d do if it were you, your child, or a family member.
Who knows, maybe in the future, we will have the opportunity here in the USA to use adult stem cells for more research and treatments. We don’t know when that will be, but for now, I will continue to seek the money for my trip to China and get the treatment there. Until then, I am at peace with my decision of this treatment, and am keeping the Lord in the forefront of it all.
There will be another fundraiser in the works very soon so keep watching for those details.
Blessings to all,
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Thank you
Where do I start, Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough right now. I am so humbled by the out pouring love and support to put this event together. Thank you so much!
It has been 20 months since I received the diagnosis of Spinocerebellum Ataxia, and at that time my life really changed forever. The doctor seemed to give me a death sentence on that cold day in January 2009. 3-5 years is what he said that I would have left here on earth. Let me tell you tonight, that at first I thought it as a death sentence, but have moved those thoughts to a challenge to fight this with all I have to make life better for all I can. I want to fight for a cure, a treatment of any kind. Even though my body kept giving up on me and getting weaker, and organs beginning to give me fits and finally quitting on me. With 6 different surgeries in the last six months and spending almost 21 weeks in the hospital in the last year alone, I never gave up even when I wanted to. Knowing that there just has to be something out there to help me. Searching on my own as the doctors tell me there is nothing; I finally stumbled across something while I was in the hospital in July. I found a blog of a young lady with the same disease and just got home from Beijing China. She just had her stem cell transplant program completed and was walking again. After contacting the hospital and do some major research, talking to my doctors, and even patients who had been to China for the same treatment, I decided I wanted to give this a try.
I talked to Maria at the hospital in China, who is my contact person to get everything approved and set up. Sending medical records and lots of paperwork, not to mention all the questions I wanted answered, she has been there for me through it all. On July 30th I was approved into the program. This is when my journey started a new chapter. That is how we got here tonight, to start raising money so I can go for this treatment.
I know many have questions about this kind of treatment, so let me try to explain to you briefly. Because of all the stem cell controversy in the USA this is not an approved treatment here in the United States yet, however it is approved in other parts of the world. Beijing China is one of them, and really was the only one that I found that didn’t leave me with an uneasy feeling with the information I found. Being able to talk to patients who had been there helped a lot as well. Then recently talking to my therapist who had a patient go over for the same treatment and came home walking with assistance.
The treatment will consist of a 6-8 week stay at the 25-bed clinic, which is just off the main hospital. Once I get to the clinic I will have bone marrow extracted, that will also be mixed with retinal stem cells (from an organ donor) to grow over 23 million stem cells to be re-implanted. Each week for 4 weeks they will implant a minimum of5.5 million stem cells with a lumbar puncture procedure and then laying flat on my back for 6 hours for the cells to ‘stick’. The neurosurgeons are still looking to see if I will qualify to have one implant directly into the brain stem which they say is super beneficial, but I haven’t heard back on that as of yet. There will also be daily Physical, occupational, massage, acupuncture therapies, along with other Chinese medicines. It isn’t an easy program, but one that I am looking forward to.
Many have expressed concerns about the possibility of embryonic stem cells being used. Please be assured that this is NOT the case, I will be using retinal stem cells from an organ donor, just like a heart, liver or kidney donor, except mine will come from the eye of the donor. I would never have even considered this program if they were using embryonic stem cells on me. I don’t care how many promises it made. I would rather sit in this chair and go home to the Lord sooner before using embryonic cells for my gain.
So what is this treatment suppose to do? This has been proven to reverse symptoms of disease, help regain movements, sight, and basic functions to the body. MANY are able to begin walking again, although it may be with assistance, taking months to regain strength because of lost or weak muscles, it is still a start. This treatment has enabled many to regain the ability to talk and eat again without the fear of choking. It has enabled many the blessing to just sit up in a chair without falling over, to brush their own teeth and dress themselves, or something as simple as feeling someone hold their hand. This is HOPE for many.
What do I hope from this treatment; the very first thing is that it brings glory and honor to the Lord. I hope that many will see how He works in my life on a daily basis, regardless of what situation I am in. I hope that I will be able to regain strength and walk again. I hope to have my organs to begin to function properly again. I would like to see this disease GO AWAY for GOOD!!! I hope that this will in some way show those in the USA that treatment can be done without using the fetal cells and embryonic cells for research. We don’t need to use them to get the results needed to help the sick and dying.
What if I don’t get the results I want? OK, we are all selfish when it comes to not getting what we want and I am no different. But I have to say that if nothing else, it this treatment can stop this disease from progressing any further, I will be happy. Yes, I want to walk, and do all the things I use to do, but I have to be realistic about things as well. I know that there is a possibility that I may not walk again and to be honest, I think I am ok with that, however that isn’t going to stop me from trying. We won’t know for sure the full effect of the treatments for about 18 months, as it takes that long for the cells to do their job, and with the continued treatments after coming home. It will take time to regain lost muscles through therapies. Yes, I am up to that challenge for this treatment.
I have been challenged over the last 6 years and have had to go through things that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. But at the same time, I am blessed to have been able to go through them as well. I have grown so much closer to the Lord; I have met some amazing people that I would have never even had the chance to meet. My room-mate, Ruby, that many of you have heard me talk about from the nursing home, changed my life forever in a way that few could ever understand, I truly have to say that she was my wake up call to life when I needed it the most and without this illness I would have never met her. You sure can learn a lot from those who have lived, loved and lost much in life.
Let me take a few seconds to thank each of you for your love and support. My life has been forever touch by you and I will be forever blessed to call you my friends and family. I also want to Thank the Lord for placing me in situations that only he knew that I would be able to get through, Thank you for staying beside me when I couldn’t stand to be beside myself. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, you are my rock, my shelter, my redeemer, my healer, you are my Savior.
It has been 20 months since I received the diagnosis of Spinocerebellum Ataxia, and at that time my life really changed forever. The doctor seemed to give me a death sentence on that cold day in January 2009. 3-5 years is what he said that I would have left here on earth. Let me tell you tonight, that at first I thought it as a death sentence, but have moved those thoughts to a challenge to fight this with all I have to make life better for all I can. I want to fight for a cure, a treatment of any kind. Even though my body kept giving up on me and getting weaker, and organs beginning to give me fits and finally quitting on me. With 6 different surgeries in the last six months and spending almost 21 weeks in the hospital in the last year alone, I never gave up even when I wanted to. Knowing that there just has to be something out there to help me. Searching on my own as the doctors tell me there is nothing; I finally stumbled across something while I was in the hospital in July. I found a blog of a young lady with the same disease and just got home from Beijing China. She just had her stem cell transplant program completed and was walking again. After contacting the hospital and do some major research, talking to my doctors, and even patients who had been to China for the same treatment, I decided I wanted to give this a try.
I talked to Maria at the hospital in China, who is my contact person to get everything approved and set up. Sending medical records and lots of paperwork, not to mention all the questions I wanted answered, she has been there for me through it all. On July 30th I was approved into the program. This is when my journey started a new chapter. That is how we got here tonight, to start raising money so I can go for this treatment.
I know many have questions about this kind of treatment, so let me try to explain to you briefly. Because of all the stem cell controversy in the USA this is not an approved treatment here in the United States yet, however it is approved in other parts of the world. Beijing China is one of them, and really was the only one that I found that didn’t leave me with an uneasy feeling with the information I found. Being able to talk to patients who had been there helped a lot as well. Then recently talking to my therapist who had a patient go over for the same treatment and came home walking with assistance.
The treatment will consist of a 6-8 week stay at the 25-bed clinic, which is just off the main hospital. Once I get to the clinic I will have bone marrow extracted, that will also be mixed with retinal stem cells (from an organ donor) to grow over 23 million stem cells to be re-implanted. Each week for 4 weeks they will implant a minimum of5.5 million stem cells with a lumbar puncture procedure and then laying flat on my back for 6 hours for the cells to ‘stick’. The neurosurgeons are still looking to see if I will qualify to have one implant directly into the brain stem which they say is super beneficial, but I haven’t heard back on that as of yet. There will also be daily Physical, occupational, massage, acupuncture therapies, along with other Chinese medicines. It isn’t an easy program, but one that I am looking forward to.
Many have expressed concerns about the possibility of embryonic stem cells being used. Please be assured that this is NOT the case, I will be using retinal stem cells from an organ donor, just like a heart, liver or kidney donor, except mine will come from the eye of the donor. I would never have even considered this program if they were using embryonic stem cells on me. I don’t care how many promises it made. I would rather sit in this chair and go home to the Lord sooner before using embryonic cells for my gain.
So what is this treatment suppose to do? This has been proven to reverse symptoms of disease, help regain movements, sight, and basic functions to the body. MANY are able to begin walking again, although it may be with assistance, taking months to regain strength because of lost or weak muscles, it is still a start. This treatment has enabled many to regain the ability to talk and eat again without the fear of choking. It has enabled many the blessing to just sit up in a chair without falling over, to brush their own teeth and dress themselves, or something as simple as feeling someone hold their hand. This is HOPE for many.
What do I hope from this treatment; the very first thing is that it brings glory and honor to the Lord. I hope that many will see how He works in my life on a daily basis, regardless of what situation I am in. I hope that I will be able to regain strength and walk again. I hope to have my organs to begin to function properly again. I would like to see this disease GO AWAY for GOOD!!! I hope that this will in some way show those in the USA that treatment can be done without using the fetal cells and embryonic cells for research. We don’t need to use them to get the results needed to help the sick and dying.
What if I don’t get the results I want? OK, we are all selfish when it comes to not getting what we want and I am no different. But I have to say that if nothing else, it this treatment can stop this disease from progressing any further, I will be happy. Yes, I want to walk, and do all the things I use to do, but I have to be realistic about things as well. I know that there is a possibility that I may not walk again and to be honest, I think I am ok with that, however that isn’t going to stop me from trying. We won’t know for sure the full effect of the treatments for about 18 months, as it takes that long for the cells to do their job, and with the continued treatments after coming home. It will take time to regain lost muscles through therapies. Yes, I am up to that challenge for this treatment.
I have been challenged over the last 6 years and have had to go through things that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. But at the same time, I am blessed to have been able to go through them as well. I have grown so much closer to the Lord; I have met some amazing people that I would have never even had the chance to meet. My room-mate, Ruby, that many of you have heard me talk about from the nursing home, changed my life forever in a way that few could ever understand, I truly have to say that she was my wake up call to life when I needed it the most and without this illness I would have never met her. You sure can learn a lot from those who have lived, loved and lost much in life.
Let me take a few seconds to thank each of you for your love and support. My life has been forever touch by you and I will be forever blessed to call you my friends and family. I also want to Thank the Lord for placing me in situations that only he knew that I would be able to get through, Thank you for staying beside me when I couldn’t stand to be beside myself. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, you are my rock, my shelter, my redeemer, my healer, you are my Savior.
Monday, August 30, 2010
I have several things to share, and to answer questions for everyone that has sent me questions. I will answer on here just so everyone will have the information just in case you have questions and just didn’t ask.
Is this treatment experimental? The treatments that are conducted in Tiantan Puhua hospital are not under clinical trial, they are conducted under certain protocols that proved to be safe and effective and their one goal is to offer improvement and better quality of life to patients. We provide individualized treatments to patients under a certain protocol that was developed by our neurologist and neurosurgeons.
Can this treatment be done somewhere besides China? Yes, Apart from the stem cells used, the treatment offered in our hospital is a comprehensive treatment, built on an extensive rehabilitation program in which stem cells are only one part of the treatment protocol, supported by a daily intake of neurotrophic factors (Neurotrophic factors are a family of proteins that are responsible for the growth and survival of developing neurons and the maintenance of mature neurons. Recent research has proven that neurotrophic factors are capable of re-growing damaged neurons), daily sessions of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments, Physical therapy and Occupational therapy. While the German clinics treat the patients with one injection only, in our hospital we offer 4-5 weeks comprehensive treatment, in which the stem cells are only a part of treatment, not the main focus.
What are the risks and side effects? We have observed a few reactions to the implantation, in the form of flu like symptoms, which last from a few hours to a few days. Neural and mesenchymal stem cells present with a low immuno genicity, and so far we have not seen any rejections. Depending on our doctor's research and clinic experience, there are no risk of long-term side effect of our stem cell treatment procedure. We use cell lines. When we choose the cells, we do a series of tests to avoid virus infections, bacillus, tumors growth, mutation, etc.; these tests will insure the safety of the stem cells used for practice. Patients have reported on short-term side effects such as headache, low fever, weakness, and dizziness. Side effects usually persist between the first 24 hours and 3 days after the injection and can be controlled by our medical team. Up to date, none of our patients have reported on a long-term reaction upon leaving the hospital.
Why use retina stem cells, and how does that work? Stem cells could not be obtained from your retina, since it would mean losing sight. Retina is the only part of the Central Nervous System that is visible, and derivation of stem cells from a live person would result in damaging the eyes. The retinal cells are obtained from (organ) donations that are extracted by qualified hospitals and kept in cells banks (similarly to donation of other organs). The cells are then cultured in Beijing Tiantan Puhua hospital's stem cell lab before implantation.
What will the money be used for that you are trying to raise? A bank account has been set up at Metcalf Bank, with my name as well as Amy Dmyterko’s name (she is over the women’s ministry at church) as my accountability partner on all funds. I don’t want anyone to question the uses by just having my name alone on the account. Amy will be over-seeing the account as well. The funds will cover all medical expenses for the trip to China and anything after that will start to cover some of the mounting medical bills here in the United States. If something were to happen to me (passing away) and there is still money in the account, what will happen to it? After all medical bills are paid; the remaining funds will be given to help those in need of help with medical care. These monies will not be available to my family at any time, nor will they have access to the account.
Can you get the therapies and medications without having to include stem cell transplant? No, It all works together, the activation drug cocktail helps prepare the brain for stem cell implantation therefore is not applicable alone. The IV is designed to maximize neural functions in the period before and during implantation and in the period when the cells are absorbed. Those drugs cannot be taken or a regular basis for the purpose of controlling symptoms or holding back the degeneration process. It is true that patients are experiencing symptomatic improvement few days after they begin receiving the IV, and yet, this treatment cannot control symptoms on the long term. The high efficacy of the IV "cocktail" treatment is calculated in relation to the overall success of the treatment (Cocktail of neurotrophic factors and supplements + stem cell implantation). All the drugs that are used inside the IV cocktail are FDA approved drugs which carry absolutely no danger of developing tumors.
What will happen if you don’t get this treatment? Because of the process of this disease, I would continue to become weaker and lose organ functions. Eventually it will take my life, and I will go home to the Lord. Until then, I will continue to seek out for help and treatment. Finding something, anything that will help, if not me, maybe for someone else in the future.
Is it possible that this will not work? Stem cells can provide different relief to patients suffering from different conditions. Some patients experience more improvements than other, but in general, stem cells do not have the option "not to work", simply be less effective in treating certain conditions. It is important to understand that every patient is different, and stem cells implantation has proven to be beneficiary in direct connection to the patient's age, general health condition and the progression of the disease. Although stem cell treatment does not provide a cure, it can provide different levels of improvement to patients.
I will answer more question as I get the answers back from China. Now, I started my therapy at Mid America today, and my therapist and I were talking about China. She said she had a spinal cord injury patient 3 years ago go get this treatment done in China as well. Paralyzed from the waist down, this patient came home walking, she has lost contact with him, but was excited that I am searching out the same treatment.
Please understand that stem cell transplants don't always mean that it is embryonic stem cells. I will not be having anything like that, my treatment will consist of stem cells extracted from the retina of an organ donor. These cells regenerate quickly and have little to no rejection factors and are not based on blood type to be a match. These cells will be mixed with my own that will be extracted via bone marrow upon arrival to China, then mixed with the retinal cells to grow the number needed for each transplant. With each transplant, they will be 'inserting' 5.5 million stem cells back into the spinal fluid during the lumbar puncture, for a total of some 22 million stem cells. Just how do they count them little stinkers?
The silent auction is going very well in gathering donations, so far we have obtained just about everything you can think of. Many valued from $500-$1500. Thank you to all my friends and family who are helping to make this event a success. While we are hosting at Crossroads Chrisian Church, please keep in mind that the Church is not putting on the event or responsible for anything, they are just simply allowing us to use the church facilities for the event. This is open to everyone, so please bring your family and friends, invite your neighbors along for a great night of food, fun and Big Band music with Ray Desmond from Nashville TN.
Blessings to all
Is this treatment experimental? The treatments that are conducted in Tiantan Puhua hospital are not under clinical trial, they are conducted under certain protocols that proved to be safe and effective and their one goal is to offer improvement and better quality of life to patients. We provide individualized treatments to patients under a certain protocol that was developed by our neurologist and neurosurgeons.
Can this treatment be done somewhere besides China? Yes, Apart from the stem cells used, the treatment offered in our hospital is a comprehensive treatment, built on an extensive rehabilitation program in which stem cells are only one part of the treatment protocol, supported by a daily intake of neurotrophic factors (Neurotrophic factors are a family of proteins that are responsible for the growth and survival of developing neurons and the maintenance of mature neurons. Recent research has proven that neurotrophic factors are capable of re-growing damaged neurons), daily sessions of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments, Physical therapy and Occupational therapy. While the German clinics treat the patients with one injection only, in our hospital we offer 4-5 weeks comprehensive treatment, in which the stem cells are only a part of treatment, not the main focus.
What are the risks and side effects? We have observed a few reactions to the implantation, in the form of flu like symptoms, which last from a few hours to a few days. Neural and mesenchymal stem cells present with a low immuno genicity, and so far we have not seen any rejections. Depending on our doctor's research and clinic experience, there are no risk of long-term side effect of our stem cell treatment procedure. We use cell lines. When we choose the cells, we do a series of tests to avoid virus infections, bacillus, tumors growth, mutation, etc.; these tests will insure the safety of the stem cells used for practice. Patients have reported on short-term side effects such as headache, low fever, weakness, and dizziness. Side effects usually persist between the first 24 hours and 3 days after the injection and can be controlled by our medical team. Up to date, none of our patients have reported on a long-term reaction upon leaving the hospital.
Why use retina stem cells, and how does that work? Stem cells could not be obtained from your retina, since it would mean losing sight. Retina is the only part of the Central Nervous System that is visible, and derivation of stem cells from a live person would result in damaging the eyes. The retinal cells are obtained from (organ) donations that are extracted by qualified hospitals and kept in cells banks (similarly to donation of other organs). The cells are then cultured in Beijing Tiantan Puhua hospital's stem cell lab before implantation.
What will the money be used for that you are trying to raise? A bank account has been set up at Metcalf Bank, with my name as well as Amy Dmyterko’s name (she is over the women’s ministry at church) as my accountability partner on all funds. I don’t want anyone to question the uses by just having my name alone on the account. Amy will be over-seeing the account as well. The funds will cover all medical expenses for the trip to China and anything after that will start to cover some of the mounting medical bills here in the United States. If something were to happen to me (passing away) and there is still money in the account, what will happen to it? After all medical bills are paid; the remaining funds will be given to help those in need of help with medical care. These monies will not be available to my family at any time, nor will they have access to the account.
Can you get the therapies and medications without having to include stem cell transplant? No, It all works together, the activation drug cocktail helps prepare the brain for stem cell implantation therefore is not applicable alone. The IV is designed to maximize neural functions in the period before and during implantation and in the period when the cells are absorbed. Those drugs cannot be taken or a regular basis for the purpose of controlling symptoms or holding back the degeneration process. It is true that patients are experiencing symptomatic improvement few days after they begin receiving the IV, and yet, this treatment cannot control symptoms on the long term. The high efficacy of the IV "cocktail" treatment is calculated in relation to the overall success of the treatment (Cocktail of neurotrophic factors and supplements + stem cell implantation). All the drugs that are used inside the IV cocktail are FDA approved drugs which carry absolutely no danger of developing tumors.
What will happen if you don’t get this treatment? Because of the process of this disease, I would continue to become weaker and lose organ functions. Eventually it will take my life, and I will go home to the Lord. Until then, I will continue to seek out for help and treatment. Finding something, anything that will help, if not me, maybe for someone else in the future.
Is it possible that this will not work? Stem cells can provide different relief to patients suffering from different conditions. Some patients experience more improvements than other, but in general, stem cells do not have the option "not to work", simply be less effective in treating certain conditions. It is important to understand that every patient is different, and stem cells implantation has proven to be beneficiary in direct connection to the patient's age, general health condition and the progression of the disease. Although stem cell treatment does not provide a cure, it can provide different levels of improvement to patients.
I will answer more question as I get the answers back from China. Now, I started my therapy at Mid America today, and my therapist and I were talking about China. She said she had a spinal cord injury patient 3 years ago go get this treatment done in China as well. Paralyzed from the waist down, this patient came home walking, she has lost contact with him, but was excited that I am searching out the same treatment.
Please understand that stem cell transplants don't always mean that it is embryonic stem cells. I will not be having anything like that, my treatment will consist of stem cells extracted from the retina of an organ donor. These cells regenerate quickly and have little to no rejection factors and are not based on blood type to be a match. These cells will be mixed with my own that will be extracted via bone marrow upon arrival to China, then mixed with the retinal cells to grow the number needed for each transplant. With each transplant, they will be 'inserting' 5.5 million stem cells back into the spinal fluid during the lumbar puncture, for a total of some 22 million stem cells. Just how do they count them little stinkers?
The silent auction is going very well in gathering donations, so far we have obtained just about everything you can think of. Many valued from $500-$1500. Thank you to all my friends and family who are helping to make this event a success. While we are hosting at Crossroads Chrisian Church, please keep in mind that the Church is not putting on the event or responsible for anything, they are just simply allowing us to use the church facilities for the event. This is open to everyone, so please bring your family and friends, invite your neighbors along for a great night of food, fun and Big Band music with Ray Desmond from Nashville TN.
Blessings to all